It’s a fact of life in the digital age: you need a password for virtually every site, service, and app that you use every day. From social media and blogs to banking services, you’ve likely got an arsenal of passwords to keep track of. Of course, this presents an obvious conundrum: do you use the Read more…
You may have heard about the “Dark Web,” and be wondering what it is, how it works, and if you need to be concerned about it. In this article, we’ll give you all the details you need to know about the dark web. What is the dark web? Basically, there are 3 commonly-defined layers of Read more…
According to Techopedia, “A patch is a software update comprised code inserted (or patched) into the code of an executable program. Typically, a patch is installed into an existing software program. Patches are often temporary fixes between full releases of a software package.” Put simply, patches correct known vulnerabilities in software including operating systems and Read more…
A new layer of security Once upon a time, if your PCs sat behind a firewall, were running an AV client, and your email was scanned before it got to you, that was all you needed to stay relatively safe. All three of those security layers remain part of the top 7 steps necessary to Read more…