Complete IT

Achieve Business Outcomes With Complete IT

The productivity of an organization should never be bottlenecked by a structurally inefficient IT Department—yet only a small fraction of small to midsize businesses have a legitimate, fully staffed, and operationally mature IT department. Closing that gap is what Complete IT is all about: peace of mind while enhancing your bottomline.

IT Departments are on the front lines keeping your organization safe,
secure, efficient, and on the cutting edge of technology.


The most effective IT department is deeply integrated into the entirety of your business strategy. The outcome is your business being elevated to a higher standard, while empowering technical and non-technical team members through professional, prompt, and patient interactions.

In short, an operationally mature Complete IT department allows you to:

  • Cohesively coordinate your IT strategy with your culture, goals, and company objectives
  • Optimize your operations to maximize efficiency and productivity across all departments
  • Keep your intellectual property, data and team secure


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Your business is connected through IT, not adjacent to it. Develop and implement an IT Strategic Plan that aligns with your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals.



Lead your business to high efficiency. Increase productivity by leveraging existing tools and maximizing ROI on your biggest (and most powerful) investments: people and technology.


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Through a layered and fully monitored security stack, a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plan, and end user training, we build a virtual shield around your invaluable IP.

Why Does Your Organization Need An IT Department?

When IT lacks the appropriate skill sets and operational maturity, bad things happen.

Avoidable Risks

No matter the size of your business, you’re always a potential target. Don’t leave your systems and people vulnerable to the increasingly sophisticated evildoers lurking on the dark web. Keep your IP and team safe from the crushing costs and irreparable harm to your brand that result from a data breach.

Inefficiencies & Lost Opportunities

Prevent missed deadlines, reduce overhead costs, elevate your team’s morale, and increase profits. IT connects every aspect of your business, and when efficiently leveraged, transforms your business for the better.

Competitive Disadvantage

IT is the differentiator in modern business. Whether you’re looking to outperform your competitors, or be acquired by one, a well equipped IT department gives your business a significant edge.

Ready to Connect?

Complete IT is the best investment you can make for the future of your business.

Get in touch with us today and make our team your own.

Do you have questions before you get started? Email us at, or fill out the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Custom IT Form - The Importance of an IT Dep

Operational maturity is the level of sophistication and organization
with which a department is run.


In an operationally mature accounting department, every process from billing to payroll contains checks and balances, reporting, and periodic audits. This maximizes the department’s success while minimizing and mitigating risks.

Reach operational maturity by building your Complete IT Department. Our team will get you there with:
  • A written IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) laying out IT initiatives, goals, objectives, milestones, and metrics (financial and otherwise) for the next one to three years.
  • Frequent IT Assessments (ITAs) used to inform, update, and reprioritize the ITSP.
  • Periodic Business Reviews (PBRs) during which organizational leadership reviews and helps shape the ITSP.
  • Meticulous security and performance monitoring of all key systems.
  • Written, tested, and audited Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan.
  • Aggressive preventative maintenance protocols.
  • Religious dedication to documentation and processes.
  • IT projects and initiatives which are well planned, communicated, on-time, on-budget, and executed with the least possible disruption to the business.
  • End user training to bolster security and productivity, reduce frustration, and improve morale.
  • A hyper-responsive end-user service desk with real-time response during the workday and 24×7 emergency response.
  • Comprehensive vendor management effectively eliminating IT spend leakage.

Ready to Connect?

Complete IT is the best investment you can make for the future of your business.

Get in touch with us today and make our team your own.

Do you have questions before you get started? Email us at, or fill out the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Custom IT Form - Operational Maturity

Complete IT is an operationally mature, fully staffed IT Department for hire.


Your staff and internal IT resources (where applicable) get complimented by our own. If you don’t have internal IT resources, our team will take the lead. Simply put, Complete IT strengthens all aspects of an enterprise class IT Department, while tailoring to the specific size and goals of your business.

Complete IT is not a fee-for-service program. It’s an investment in your business. We take complete ownership of your IT operation (in partnership with your internal team when applicable) to lead your company towards optimal efficiency. Best of all, your IT investment is kept as cost-effective and predictable as possible:

  • Monthly charges are custom tailored for your company and needs.
  • There are no up-charges, or nickel-and-diming of any kind.
  • Monthly charges only change when the make-up of your organization changes.

Complete IT Provides Your Organization
With The Following

In situations where there is an internal IT team, some duties and responsibilities may be left to them by mutual agreement.

  • CIO-caliber IT Strategic Planning including:
    • Written and periodically updated…
      • IT Strategic Plan
      • IT Assessments
      • BCDR Plan – Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
        Backup solutions may involve an additional fee.
    • Periodic Business Reviews – At the optimal frequency for your business
  • Monitoring & Management of On-Premise and Cloud-Based Infrastructure & Systems
  • Managed Network – A fully managed and monitored wired and wireless network. JPMerc provides the equipment and we own the uptime and performance.
  • Unlimited Systems & End User Support
  • IT Vendor Management
  • Comprehensive End User Training
  • IT Project Design & Implementation
    The cost of hardware and most software remain the responsibility of the client.
  • Bundled & Fully Managed Solutions:
    • Cloud-Based Backups for Email, SharePoint, & OneDrive
    • Email Filtering & Security
    • Multi-Factor Authentication & Password Management
    • Dark Web Scanning
    • Comprehensive Endpoint Security Suite
    • Cyber-Security Managed Detection & Response
Why do you need Complete IT?


How confident are you that your current IT practice is supporting your business goals? How would you know if you need Complete IT?

Ask yourself if any of these resonate with you:

  • Your existing IT team is beyond capacity or is under-utilized
  • You don’t have an IT Department and are unaware of the immense risks involved
  • You feel in over your head focusing on IT when you should be focusing on other parts of your business
  • You’re looking to be acquired and know buyers will demand a well-run IT department with proper documentation
  • You worry how protected your small business’ valuable IP and data are against hackers

If you agree with any of the above, you need Complete IT.

We’re humbly proud to say when we work with clients, they stick around.

Here’s what some of them are saying about our Complete IT…

Working with JPMerc is intuitive, effective, and enjoyable. They pay attention to the things internally and provide the staff with great help desk service, while also keeping a finger on the pulse of the marketplace for the strategic partners and tools we might need to help us achieve our goals. It is a privilege for us to have been associated with JPM for such a long time and they’ve been a visible partner in our success all along the way. When they say Complete IT service, they mean it – and I would highly recommend JPMerc as a one stop IT partner solution.

Patrick Maddigan, JD
National Director of Finance & Operations | Team IMPACT
JC&A originally engaged JPMerc as a fresh set of eyes to work closely with our internal IT team to perform a comprehensive IT assessment. Shortly thereafter, when our IT Director gave notice, we decided to outsource our entire IT department to JPMerc. That was nearly ten years ago, and we have been very pleased with our decision to partner with JPMerc. Having a team with depth and experience gives us comfort that whatever situation we may encounter; we can rely on the team to rise to meet the challenge. Personally I have great confident in the JPMerc team, and would not hesitate to recommend them.

Michael J. Crowther, AIA
Chief Operating Officer / Partner | J Calnan & Associates

Ready to Connect?

Complete IT is the best investment you can make for the future of your business.

Get in touch with us today and make our team your own.

Do you have questions before you get started? Email us at, or fill out the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Custom IT Form - What is Complete IT

Getting Started Is Easy

Our team provides your business with Complete IT in three easy steps.

Comprehensive IT Assessment

Before we are able to render any diagnosis we must do a deep dive into the current state of your systems, processes, and procedures. We’ll make you aware of any and all risks, as well as identify opportunities for productivity enhancement.

Reporting & Strategic Planning

We collaborate with your team to author an IT Strategic Plan based on the findings in your IT assessment. This plan will enumerate and prioritize IT initiatives (including budget) one to three years into the future.

Design & Implementation

Your IT Strategic Plan is deployed on time and on budget. First, we quickly and radically alleviate all imminent risks. Next, we’ll leverage your existing technology to its fullest followed by working with you to reach your long term goals—moving step by step through our plan to operational maturity.

Interested in a Standalone Assessment?

If your organization isn’t ready for a Complete IT Department, but you’d still like to gauge your risks and opportunities, our team is happy to support you with a standalone Comprehensive IT Assessment as equally thorough as it is for any of our other clients.

After your no-obligation assessment, you have complete control as to connect with us or develop your own internal plan.

Ready to Connect?

Complete IT is the best investment you can make for the future of your business.

Get in touch with us today and make our team your own.

Do you have questions before you get started? Email us at, or fill out the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Custom IT Form - How to Get Started